accredited national standard cycle training
Cycling is a life skill and the team of professionally trained and qualified National Standard Instructors equip children with the skills and knowledge and confidence to cycle on today’s roads. For Primary 5,6,7 plus.
JourneysNI is committed to Northern Ireland being a safe place to cycle.
Level 1 takes place in traffic free areas, equipping children with cycle control skills to prepare them for the next level -2, which under our watchful eyes and experienced supervision and instruction brings the trainees out into the real world of their local roads where they make their day to day journeys.
Children learn how to cycle in the flow of their local traffic, observing all around for risks and hazards ready and able to respond. Communicating and interacting with drivers, being in the best positions to see and be seen and learning to understand the rules of the road and how to apply them for safe, responsible confident cycling.