What is national standard cycle training ?

Many of us are familiar with cycling proficiency training in primary school. National Standard training is different in several ways. It is delivered by professionally trained and qualified and regulated National Standard Instructors. The National Standard follows a syllabus for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 cycle training.

Level 1 takes place in a traffic free area such as a school playground, it equips trainees with the skills of observation, communication, riding position and rules of priority, preparing them for the core skills necessary for cycling on todays roads.

Level 2 is suitable for 10+ year olds who have completed Level 1. NS Instructors risk assess roads and streets around the school, then take out groups to deliver the Level 2 syllabus on their local roads in their local traffic. The Level 2 syllabus was structured to teach new cyclists how to respond to common hazards that cyclists encounter on roads with moderate traffic. How to observe, communicate, cycle in the best position and observe the rules of priority when passing parked cars or turning at junctions or roundabouts. It is real world road safety education delivered in the local traffic under the watchful eyes of qualifed instructors.

Level 3 is suitable for older teenagers and for adults who wish to learn to commute for example. Trainees must have completed and spent time polishing their level 2 skills, as level 3 now progresses onto more challenging roads such as those in busy city and town centres.

Do i need my own bicycle

Not necessarily. For adults we can loan you a cycle and a helmet, For children we cannot provide a cycle, however we can point you in the direction of where to find a low cost pre loved bicycle - we realise in todays cost of living crisis this doesn’t solve the problem for all. If you’re really stuck, let us know and we will see how we can help.

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